JPG Store: Recap 03

The JPG Store Journal
5 min readDec 14, 2022

History doesn’t repeat itself but it sure as heck loves to rhyme.

This very week, 14 years ago, Bernie Madoff was arrested and sentenced to 150 years in prison for operating the largest Ponzi scheme in history…

And this week? Well this week The Simulation (if you believe in such things) throws us a cheeky wink as FTX’s Sam Bankman Fried is arrested on criminal charges including wire fraud, securities fraud, and money laundering. Woah! Is it too early to be poppin’ bottles for some much needed JUSTICE?!

But don’t go cheering just yet as I must remind you… NOT YOUR KEYS, NOT YOUR COINS! Please protect yourself and play it safe by withdrawing what you can off of centralized exchanges. Seems like even Binance is facing their own wave of red flags and doubts this week… C’mon Binance! Don’t you dare pull the mother of all rugs on us!

At least Cathie Wood’s Ark Investment Management recently bought roughly $3.2 million worth of publicly listed Coinbase shares amidst all the exchange chaos.

Binance = Private = No Transparency = Please be careful
Coinbase = Public = Transparency = Some assurance = Still not your keys!

And finally Cardano rounds up this week’s news recap with a much needed ray of sunshine and good news! Seriously, thank goodness.

Cardano once again tops the charts for significant submissions on GitHub as it consistently slays development activity amongst all blockchains.

If you build it, they will come. And Cardano developers sure are building it!

Cardano ranks as the 6th top blockchain in the world and this success is despite a lack of stablecoins and its most highly anticipated deFi protocols still yet to release. But at least some are teasing their upcoming launches!

Just imagine what the true birth of Cardano’s deFi industry will bring to the ecosystem and its blossoming NFT scene… I personally remain bullish AF.

Sheesh! Bear market news sure ain’t no party to write about, so let’s shift gears and dive into all the fun stuff JPG Store’s been busy building for ya!

Collection Creation is now open for beta testers ready to mint, right from JPG Store! We’ll streamline minting until 1st graders are sending NFT Holiday Cards to their entire school! Nay… Their entire SCHOOL DISTRICT! Just wait and see… JPGs for everyone!

The JPG Recap highlights your NFT year in review! Spotify Recap Schmotify Schmecap… This is way more fun! Simply connect your wallet, hide your screen from your financial advisor, and admire your year in review. And Share it on Twitter with #JPGRecap to be entered to win an NFT!
(Psh, go ahead and slap it on your Tinder, Grindr, & Farmers Only profiles while you’re at it. Hunnies luv da JPGs… But don’t get rugged by no JPG-Digger!)

Credit Card purchases are now available for ALL collections (except rug pulls) sitewide! Plus, the CC transaction limit has now been bumped up to $3000 USD. No, this is not an excuse for you to pump those rookie JPG Year In Review numbers! Remember Peter… with great credit, comes great responsibility.

Activity on your Profile Page now updates instantly without needing to refresh. (List an NFT for sale and it smoothly jumps to the For Sale page.) Refreshing is so lame.

Optimized bundle thumbnail images now enable pages to load even faster. Faster loading is so cool.

The Buy Now button for bundles redirects intuitively to asset page listing. Intuitive UX is simply the best!

  • You can now close the purchase confirmation on Eternl mobile. Our cutie Hippo was sadly taking up too much space :( But YOU are worth it :)
  • Profile page banners now fill 100% screen width. This one is for all the wiiiiiiiiiiiiide monitor lovers!
  • Favorites can now be “unfavorited” again! And then favorited. And then unfavorited again. Change your mind all you want! Hmm, maybe it is a favorite after all… Nahhh, unfavorite it!
  • Notification emails are now displaying images correctly again.
  • Collection banners now update smoother when browsing between collections. Now go nudge your favorite NFT Creators to upload a banner that does ’em justice if they haven’t already. C’mon dudes, a banner really ties the room together!

Ahh yes, it’s time for my favorite part of these weekly updates…
A Health and Happiness Tip!

And do you know what can really take a toll on your health and happiness? Getting hacked!

That’s why this week’s tip focuses on simple, yet mathematically enhanced, password security so you don’t get WRECKED.

I’ll let the brilliant minds at drive the point home for the homies 👇

Click here to check out the original (and easier to read) comic!

I know updating passwords across all your accounts is as intimidating as the jail time Sam Bankman Fried is facing… But at the very least, please consider upgrading your primary email password. Pretty please?

Seriously, if your email password gets got, you’re in deep Tr0ub4dor…

Now stay safe and see y’all next week ❤

