Did Israel Randomly Attack Iran?

G.P. Gottlieb
The Judean People’s Front
3 min readApr 17, 2024


Or might there be a reason that you didn’t know about?

Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

Although I began writing this as a response to another writer, I’ve decided to add the information in a separate essay so that I can share the link to Iran’s April 3rd press release.

I’m still irritated by the protesters blocking access to airports and roads this week, screaming and chanting in anger about U.S., France, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia’s help in averting the death of hundreds of thousands in Israel and the destruction of buildings, homes, and Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Do they not read any world news or look at anything outside of their own circle of Zionist-bashing, river-to-the-sea updates? Do they think that Israel was just being mean?

Does anyone remember the hunt for Osama bin Laden, and were there many protests in America after the U.S. military assassinated him for planning the 9/11 attacks?

Iranian General Mohammad Reza Zahedi is the old guy I mentioned in my previous article about Iran’s April 3rd attack (300 missiles and drones sent from Iran into the heart of Israel).

FYI, are those screaming for the destruction of Israel aware that General Mohammad Reza Zahedi was the Architect of the Oct. 7 Massacre? This linked article comes directly out of IRAN in a statement issued on April 3rd.

Photo by Yoav Aziz on Unsplash

Would ANY country aside from Israel be accused of ATTACKING Iran after retaliating against the person responsible for a barbaric mutilation, burning, beheading, raping, murder, and the kidnapping of over 240 people (Like what happened in Israel on October 7th, 2023)?

Who thinks that Iran’s leaders are doing a great job? Certainly not the women who are beaten and punished if a curl escapes from under their hijabs. Certainly not the gay people who are thrown off buildings (or meet other unhappy endings). And certainly not those Iranians who instead of observing a moment of silence for the 7 people killed when Zahedi was assassinated, blew horns and made noise in defiance.

Only a certain kind of person in the world is thrilled by Iran’s attack and offended only by Israel’s retaliation. These are the folks who are totally okay with 75 years of violence against Israel from Palestinian leaders who refuse to accept a Jewish state. These are the people who scream for Jewish blood while accusing Israel of genocide, apartheid, and colonialism (but do nothing to improve conditions for Palestinians, who could have had their own country in 1947 had they allowed Israel to exist).

Only a certain kind of person will respond with accusations because I’m not reiterating that Palestinians deserve to live in peace, I’m not weighing in on Israel’s politics or military strategies, I’m not arguing with antisemites about Israel’s right to exist, and I don’t tolerate anyone who praises Hamas for its horrifying October 7th attack on Israel.

If you’re paying attention, you’ll know that last week, Hamas claimed that it cannot find 40 living children, women, and elderly hostages among those it has hidden for nearly 200 days, in who knows what condition since Hamas refuses to allow Red Cross visits. Returning the hostages would have led to an immediate ceasefire, and Hamas keeps refusing. Shame on those who scream about international laws only when Israel retaliates against Hamas, Hizballah, and Houthi attacks.

If you are one of the people who are upset that Iran failed in its mission to destroy Israel, and angry that the U.S. helped prevent the genocide of Jews in Israel, guess what that makes you?

Another Jew hater, like those before you.



G.P. Gottlieb
The Judean People’s Front

Musician, reader, dreamer, baker, master of snark, and author of the Whipped and Sipped culinary mystery series (gpgottlieb.com). Also editor, Write and Review