Jew Hatred Permits Anti-Black Racism in Arab World

We will never end racism through more hatred

Jeffrey Kass
The Judean People’s Front


AI-generated image showing African migrant wandering through an Arab market with a concerned look
Image: Shutterstock/AI-generated

I scratched my head, confused and disappointed, when one of the gay baristas at my favorite coffee shop told me that Hamas is a freedom-fighting resistance movement. Similar to how I feel when I see LGBTQ protestors shout pro-Hamas slogans.

All while Hamas and the Palestinian Authority have jailed, hanged, tortured and killed queer Palestinians. LGBTQ Palestinians have successfully sought asylum in Israel for years now. Israel holds the only gay pride parade in the entire Middle East and the largest on the Asian continent.

It’s not much different than when some white (and Black) liberals in America, who justifiably marched so passionately after George Floyd, are quick to denounce the second a racist event takes place in Israel, label Israel an apartheid nation, and call the Jewish ideology of returning to their indigenous homeland, known as Zionism, racist.

And yet, with all that passionate, self-described racism fighting, there’s barely a peep about the vast and deep generational and systemic racism against Black people steeped throughout much of the Arab world.

Building on centuries of the Arab slave trade of Africans, Arab societies today remain as racist as ever. Exceedingly more…



Jeffrey Kass
The Judean People’s Front

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad