No, Phoebe, I won’t be reading your propaganda and lies.

G.P. Gottlieb
The Judean People’s Front
5 min readJun 18, 2024


I will only read fact-based essays about Israel.

Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash

Just got another lie-filled response from someone who is peeved that the Israeli army came in and freed four hostages hidden in Gaza for over 250 days. How dare they? Instead of writing a simple response, I’m turning my answer to this girl (who might be a bot) into another essay. Deal with it, haters.

1. How many people don’t understand why Israel is a state and Palestinians still struggle? Well, children, if Arab nations had accepted the U.N. partition of 1947, those who wished to could have had a country called Palestine or whatever they wanted to call it. Instead, the armies of 5 Arab countries attacked Israel on May 14, 1948, the day it became a state, in one of many attempts to eradicate it. Arabs call Israel’s statehood the “Nakba,” or catastrophe, because they did not win those battles that they started. They subsequently tried a number of times — do any of the current crop of pro-terrorists know about the wars they started? 1956? 1967? 1973? 1982? 2006?

2. Despite Hamas’s wish to continue this war (that they started on 10/7/23), I still believe in atwo-state solution. I know it can’t happen while Hamas or the PLO are still in power, it can’t happen while thousands of Hizballah and Houthi rockets are raining down on Israeli homes every day, while the north is burning, and while 120 hostages are still hidden in Gaza. Those who envision peace and dignity for Palestinians should stop vilifying Jews and start providing strength and support for a democratic Palestine led by those who want to build, not to destroy. The rest of you should just go find another cause celebre.

3. Your claim about Israel taking hostages is pure nonsense. These hostages you mention (taken by Israel???) have never been spoken of or referred to anywhere else except in essays like yours. Do you know anything about the region you are speaking about? You are spreading lies, Ms. Starr, and that is dangerous in a region where there is already so much misunderstanding and hostility. Palestinians and Gazans along with everyone else in the region have deserved to live in peace and dignity all these years, but their leaders refuse any peace that includes the existence of a Jewish state.

4. Your parroted claim that Jews colonized Arab territory is another lie — many peoples have lived in the land of Israel (called Palestine after the Roman conquest in 63CE) over the centuries, including Muslims (after the Arab conquest (633CE) when they killed or exiled most of the Jews). This new attempt (that you so casually repeat) to delegitimize the Jewish connection to the land of Israel is pure nonsense. There are a bunch of you spouting the most vile stupidity — did any of you get a solid education of some kind? Not sure if you’re familiar with Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish rabbi who was born in Bethlehem, a city in Israel. What Temple do you think Jesus was in, where was that Temple, and who were his followers? Islam wasn’t yet born, so…..who do you think lived in Jerusalem back in the first century?

5. There were many groups of people living in the land of Israel over the centuries — today the state of Israel is a democracy in which all religions have equal rights. It’s not a perfect society, but maybe consider the complexity of the history, and stop copying silly lies whose only goal is to discredit or vilify Israel and Jews. Stop making up nonsense about Israel and start finding ways to support real Palestinians.

6. This “matter of time before someone responds” is also ridiculous. Arab attempts to destroy Israel began on May 14, 1948, the day Israel became a state. Just Google it for goodness sake….where are you coming up with all these kooky stories? Are you a Russian bot whose masters want to keep the region in chaos? An Iranian puppet?

7. I do not refer to all Palestinians as homicidal Jihadis because I KNOW OF PALESTINIANS who have been striving for peace, who’ve been involved in summer programs, nonprofits, and academic conferences. Have you ever even spoken to someone who is Muslim? They’re not all terrorists, but some are. Hamas, for example is all about killing people, including their own. Listen to what YahYah Sinwar says about the death of Gazans. He encourages more of it. And about 73% of Palestinians support both the Hamas massacre on Oct 7th, and continued efforts to destroy Israel. That means that 73% of Palestinians support homicidal jihadism.

8. Who are the terrorists? Everyone who supports Hamas, supports a homicidal Jihadi terror group. There is nothing prejudicial about it, Phoebe. Those who followed the terrorists into Israel and helped kill Jews — they’re terrorists. The so-called Gazan civilians who keep human being captive in their homes, depriving them of medicine and food so that only the young and strongest will ever get out alive? — they’re terrorists. Those who repeat lies that encourage Hamas and even get an enthusiastic response from the Ayatolah of Iran? — they’re terrorists. Where do you fall, young lady?

9. There is no excuse for kidnapping human beings (CHILDREN! Babies! Women!), and anyone who participates or supports that is not only morally bankrupt, but also morally disgusting. Israel has never done anything like that. The “children” of which you speak are in Israeli jails for throwing stones that caused car accidents that killed and maimed families. They have committed violent crimes and stood in court with a defense attorney. The most egregious crimes are punished. Do you want to live in a society in which random killings go unpunished?

10. EDUCATE yourself about what’s happening: Do you know anything about Jihad? Have you noticed what has happened regarding women’s autonomy, democracy, and freedom of the press in every Muslim run country? Do you know anything about Israel, its innovations in science, medicine, and technology?

You said in your response: “We should all do better as human beings and this is especially true for you.”

Why don’t you take that to heart, Phoebe? Get some facts up your sleeve and learn a little more history before you start lecturing those of us who have skin in the game. Doing better as a human being means NOT lying or spreading lies, NOT jumping in with personal opinions about a complex situation on the other side of the world, and NOT trying to delegitimize any people, including Jews.



G.P. Gottlieb
The Judean People’s Front

Musician, reader, dreamer, baker, master of snark, and author of the Whipped and Sipped culinary mystery series ( Also editor, Write and Review