Terrorists Are Playing Young Americans

How college students let manipulated social media warp their brains

Jeffrey Kass
The Judean People’s Front
8 min read1 day ago


AI-generated photo of a group of college students watching TikTok to get their news
Image: Shutterstock/AI-Generated

Did you ever imagine a day when otherwise good-hearted 20-twenty somethings in short shorts and tank tops, or college freshman waving LGBQT rainbow flags, would simultaneously don terror group headbands, shout terror-group-created slogans and take the side of Iran and its proxies Hezbollah and Hamas on college campuses?

Now that college is back in session, it’s a good time to revisit these issues.

Iran, in case you haven’t logged off of Instagram to read a book or actual articles, has encouraged and in some cases even funded many of the campus protests taking place.

It’s the same Iran that imprisons women who don’t cover themselves (forget shorts!), murders gay people, and harasses families suspected of not supporting the extremist dictators who run the country.

Political dissenters in Iran are regularly tortured and kept from their families, sometimes held in solitary confinement for months at a time…



Jeffrey Kass
The Judean People’s Front

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad