The Crabby, Insecure Professor of Hate

G.P. Gottlieb
The Judean People’s Front
5 min readAug 7, 2024


Does Not know that I have a BLACK BELT in Jewish Culture!

A Collage for Jew-Haters with smoke coming out of their ears (GPG on Canva)

A mean-spirited professional Jew-hater (blocked after personal attacks on me, a sweet little Jewish grandmother), recently responded to one of my comments on someone else’s page.

This person claims to hold both D.Phil and M.Phil degrees, but has no university affiliation, but let’s call him the Ornery Professor. He also claims that “there is no Jewish DNA,” which he interprets to mean that we are not a race, and we lack the essence of a legitimate religion, so we basically don’t exist.

Darn. Too bad for Nazis and others throughout history who claimed that Jews are NOT part of the white race. And too bad for us Jews, studying Torah for over 2,000 years, living with all these commandments and holidays, praying 3x daily towards Jerusalem and always remembering our Exodus from Egypt. If we don’t exist, why is there so much work for us to do?

The Peevish Professor claims that he has Jewish friends, brags about knowing more Jewish culture than me, and says, “It would not be inaccurate or an exaggeration to say I am probably among the two dozen or so Palestinians most qualified and knowledgeable to speak about the Jews in Palestine and about our recent history.”

1. Having Jewish friends doesn’t excuse the vitriol and unintelligent nonsense the Pro-Terrorist Professor has spouted about Jews and Israel. The record here on Medium shows him to be a small-minded bigot, intent on delegitimizing Jews.

2. I doubt the Poorly-Educated Professor ever pounded the table during a Birkat HaMazon, fainted during mincha of Yom Kippur, eaten in a sukkah, danced with a Torah, sung to elderly Jews in a nursing home, handmade three-dozen latkes, planted trees in Israel, or made chocolate-filled Hamantaschen. Does he bake challah every week? Does he know anything about changing dishes for Pesach, sitting through a son’s brit milah, being in the P.O at Solomon Schechter Day School, or teaching children how to chant Torah and Haftarah in preparation for becoming b’nai mitzvah? Did his kids go to Jewish camps or volunteer with Arab and Jewish children in Jerusalem? Was he married to an Israeli (although maybe that’s why he’s so filled with hate…just guessing)?

3. Has he ever fixed up anyone? (I already earned my angel wings with 3 couples and just this week passed along two phone numbers to a nice Jewish doctor). I’ve got a friggin’ BLACK BELT in Jewish Culture, Sir!

The Unpleasant Professor says he can tell from my last name (my married name) that my origins are European, which in his mind, means that I don’t know what I’m talking about. He says he comes from one of the “oldest Palestinian families,” which is interesting because Arabs did not consider themselves Palestinians until about 1967. That was the 6-Day-War, when armies from five Arab countries attacked Israel, failed, and lost land that is now considered “contested” by international law, but “illegally settled,” by those who refuse to accept that they lost that war.

The Cantankerous Professor’s “family has records and documents from “STAMBOUL” going back hundreds of years.” That makes sense since Stamboul is another name for ISTANBUL. Did he not learn (perhaps during his professed doctoral studies) that the entire region was ruled for 600 years by the OTTOMAN empire, which was based in Anatolia, now known as TURKEY. Does he know that the Ottomons only left in 1922? Does he know who colonized the region after the Ottomons? Clue: not Jews.

The Boorish Professor claims that his ancestors’ business was to keep censuses and send reports from the historical land of ISRAEL back to Istanbul, including about the local Jewish population. So, as the very Important Professor says, “If any family knew what was going on from years to year in Palestine, “it was probably ours.”

  1. Is he saying that there were Jews that needed counting who lived in Israel throughout the centuries despite all of the expulsions and attempts to destroy us? Hm. Isn’t that inteteresting that there was a consistent Jewish presence in the current land of Israel, not just during the 600 years of the Ottomon Empire, but over 2,000 years further back, to a time well before Mohammad was born and Islam became a religion?
  2. To correct his assumption about my background: I am descended from great scholars and thinkers who rather than merely sending reports to rulers across the sea, gave the entire world the concepts of a divine presence, an ennobled spirit, and the task of making the world better.

Final thoughts for the Bickering Professor: The world should want Palestinians to live in dignity and peace in their own land, but not as a reward for their brutal massacre and kidnappings of babies, children, women, and elderly on October 7, 2023.

Why doesn’t the Churlish Professor advocate peace and a 2-state solution (as far away as that seems) instead of blaming Jews for 80 years of Palestinian leaders refusing to accept the existence of Israel? There are kinder, smarter, greater minds than his trying to find a way to connect despite continued Hamas (and other Iranian proxies) violence and the Jihadi vision of a Jew-free Middle East whose end game is a Global Caliphate.

As the world waits for what could be a vicious Iranian retaliation to Israel’s retaliation, I’m sure the Loutish Professor is aware that Iran and its proxies are not at all concerned with Palestinian autonomy or creating a democratic Palestine with equal rights for women, gays, and anyone else that doesn’t conform to their views.

The Disagreeable Professor is certainly familiar with what happens to those who don’t follow Hamas (and their ilk) rules. This business of accusing Jews as “colonial settlers’ or “enacting genocide’ is a propaganda-inspired and widely disseminated lie. The Arab Conquest colonized the Middle East during the 7th century. The British colonized the Middle East in 1922 (in answer to my earlier question). Others colonized the Middle East before and after. Palestinians are not descendants of Ancient Israelites.

What if all of these angry pro-terrorists like the Professor of Jew-Hatred stopped slandering Israel and started talking about peace? As Golda Meir said, “Peace will come when Arabs love their children more than they hate ours.”

P.S. Let the hostages go. Bring them home now.



G.P. Gottlieb
The Judean People’s Front

Musician, reader, baker, master of snark, and author of the Whipped and Sipped culinary mystery series ( Editor, Write and Review.