The Israelis Are Lying…

Reuben Salsa
The Judean People’s Front
3 min readJan 1, 2024


It’s quite a bizarre situation when nobody will listen no matter how much proof is shown.

This is the age of social media where cries of ‘prove it’ are quickly consumed by skepticism. “Fake news! That shit isn’t real! Who on Earth would do that?”

The absurdity knows no bounds.

“They massacred, beheaded, and raped our women and children!”

The international community:
“Yeah, we don’t care until you prove it!”

Really? Okay. Fair’s fair. This does sound like a horror movie. Let’s see what we can do.

“Ok, here are the testimonials.”

The international community:
“Sorry, not good enough.”

Really? These are victims. They were there. What do you mean you don’t think a testimonial is good enough?

“Sure. Photos.”

The international community:

Really? Do you think this is a movie set? What? Did you see this very same image from 1992? That all this is a setup? Photoshopped?

“Okay, here’s some video evidence. Will that do?”

