Things That Aren’t The Holocaust


Nazi concentration camp/Edgar Ortiz — Shutterstock

Wearing a mask
Quarantining in your home for 14 days
Having a post removed on Facebook
Someone from the other party winning an election
Getting blocked by a follower on Instagram
Eating meat
Vaccine Passports
Background checks at gun shows
Taking a COVID test before entering an event
High gas prices
Critical Race Theory
The Insurrection at the Capitol
Deporting people who enter the U.S. illegally
Texas’ new abortion law
Magazine clip restrictions
Anything that’s not the Holocaust

Jeffrey Kass is an award-winning author, lawyer, speaker, diversity trainer and thought leader on race and society.



Jeffrey Kass
The Judean People’s Front

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad