Why is Hezbollah Trying to Destroy Israel from the North?

G.P. Gottlieb
The Judean People’s Front
3 min readJun 24, 2024


How will the Global Anti-Zionist Crowd Respond?

Homosexuality is illegal in Syria, Egypt, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabi, Qatar, Oman, UAE, Yemen, and Kuwait (shades of brown). It is punishable by prison and/or the death penalty. Photo from Wikipedia

Founded in Lebanon in 1982 by Imad Mughniyeh, Ali Akbar Mohtashamipur, Ragheb Harb, Abbas al-Musawi, and Subhi al-Tufayli, Hezbollah is a terror group and political party funded mostly by Iran and led since 1992 by Hassan Nasrallah. Click on one of the links to read all about Nasrallah’s, Hamas’s, Hezbollah’s and Iran’s long-term goals: the destruction of the state of Israel and a Jew-free, democracy-free, Western-free Middle East (aka the beginning of a global Islamic Caliphate).

For those who hadn’t followed news of the Middle East until Israel retaliated against Hamas’s horrific mass mutilation, murder and kidnapping on October 7, 2023, Hezbollah has spent the past 40 some years ruining whatever was left of Lebanon after its 15 year civil war, in an attempt to destroy Israel from the north. Now, over a 100 thousand Israelis and an equal number of Lebanese on the other side of the border have been displaced because of Hezbollah’s rockets, the fires they’ve caused, and the retaliation they’ve invited.

Hezbollah has tried to destroy Israel for years, but bumped up the action after 10/7/23, since the Iran propaganda machine was already doing such a good job of convincing the west that Hamas is about “FREEDOM” for Palestinians.

But ever since 1942, Palestinians in Lebanon have been refused the rights of citizens (homes, education, jobs, etc.) although they share a language, religion, and culture, and several generations have been born on Lebanese soil. WHY is that? Because it’s in Hezbollah’s interest to continue portraying Palestinians as suffering refugees even if it’s Lebanon that causes their suffering. It’s a sly way to convince the world that EVERYTHING IS ISRAEL’S FAULT, and the entire region should be in Islamic hands (Islamists do not approve of countries once conquered by Islam reverting to Jews or Christians. Keep your eyes open, Spain. Lock your doors, Greece. Ireland can keep hating Jews because the Islamists will take some time to get that far north).

Fifty countries follow some Islamic law, and 8 countries follow strict Sharia (Islamic) Law. I wonder how the over 2 million Muslims now living in Israel as full citizens with equal rights feel about being forced into hijabs or burkas, and if they’re gay, being executed or worse. Does anyone think that Iran, if it gets its way and kills all the Jews, will allow Palestinians to build a civil society with universities, a free press, and equal rights for women and gays?

Meanwhile, is it in Hezbollah’s interest to send a continuous barrage of rockets and drones to the north of Israel since the Hamas attack in the south of Israel on October 7, 2023? Well, according to the Washington Institute, about 34% of the Sunni Muslem population and 29% of the Christian population approve of Hezbollah, while 93% of the Shia Muslem population approve and support Hezbollah.

And now, Nasrallah is threatening both Israel and Cypress. He wants the world to know that NOWHERE IN ISRAEL WILL BE SAFE (so too bad for its Muslim citizens).

Are anti-Zionists fine with this attack on Israel? Do they think that the people of Cypress deserve death and destruction too? Just wondering, if Israel wins again, are the global Jew-haters going to weep and complain because it was so unfair that Israel didn’t turn over and die?

Do Hezbollah’s crocodile tears about the Palestinians convince anyone that they are justified in attacking Israeli towns and cities? And are those cheering on the terrorists and shouting for Israel’s destruction just having fun deciding who shall live or die, when they’re not busy furthering their careers and enjoying summer break?



G.P. Gottlieb
The Judean People’s Front

Musician, reader, dreamer, baker, master of snark, and author of the Whipped and Sipped culinary mystery series (gpgottlieb.com). Also editor, Write and Review