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The Judean People’s Front
Writing by Jewish people. Proudly promoting Jewish authors.
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Where is the OUTRAGE Over Hamas Torture of Palestinians?
Where is the OUTRAGE Over Hamas Torture of Palestinians?
Apparently, terrorists are gonna terrorize.
G.P. Gottlieb
Nov 16
“The only question that needs answering though is where is your humanity?”
“The only question that needs answering though is where is your humanity?”
Says another Pro-Terrorist who accuses Israel of doing EXACTLY what Hamas did on October 7, 2023.
G.P. Gottlieb
Sep 18
“My Jewish Friends Love Me”
“My Jewish Friends Love Me”
Says the guy whose posts spread Jew-hate and misinformation
G.P. Gottlieb
Aug 1
I Flipped Out at Barnes & Noble
I Flipped Out at Barnes & Noble
I was seeking justice — but in the wrong place
Dec 5
You’re Okay Right? What you’re not!
You’re Okay Right? What you’re not!
When you wake up and your heart breaks because it feels like 1933 all over again.
Alan J. Schwarz
Dec 4
Victor and Donna Dive into the History Behind ‘A Journey from the Ma’abara to Architecture’
Victor and Donna Dive into the History Behind ‘A Journey from the Ma’abara to Architecture’
A Story Unfolding Across Timelines.
Liat Portal
Nov 27
Another Poorly Written Screed by Someone Who Wants a “Judenrein” Middle East
Another Poorly Written Screed by Someone Who Wants a “Judenrein” Middle East
He’s not the first Antisemite to dream of destroying Israel
G.P. Gottlieb
Nov 20
What do you do when you see a young Jewish woman being attacked because she’s Jewish?
What do you do when you see a young Jewish woman being attacked because she’s Jewish?
Life decisions happen in a hurry
Alan J. Schwarz
Nov 20
Bill Clinton Explains Why There Is No Palestinian State
Bill Clinton Explains Why There Is No Palestinian State
The facts from the man who brokered the deal
Charles R. Lightner
Nov 18
Ways to Heal the World Without Blaming the Jews
Ways to Heal the World Without Blaming the Jews
Another person recently responded to one of my essays
G.P. Gottlieb
Nov 14
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