Keep Creating In Spite of Self-Doubt

Don’t let perfectionism and impostor syndrome become blocks in your path.

A. Elise
The Juicy Life


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

I’ll just come right out and admit it: I’m more insecure than I let on sometimes.

Sometimes, I feel like a complete and total impostor. Sometimes I feel so uncertain of myself as a writer that I wonder how I thought I could make it in this business. Then I become all sad and despondent and I fall into a creative slump (as a matter of fact, I’m in one right now).

Insecurity comes in all different flavors — but my poison of choice is perfectionism. Always has been. I’ve been trying to quit it for years, but like an addict, I keep coming back for a fix in my worst and weakest moments. I’ve noticed that the worse I feel, the more perfectionistic I become, and the more vicious I am with myself. And the cycle repeats until I’m a crying mess.

Sound familiar? I can’t tell for sure, but I’m getting the impression that this might be par for the creative course. I don’t know a creative person who is 100% confident in every single thing they create. Who remains unflappable no matter how they feel their work is coming along or how it’s being received. Who never questions themselves or asks if their ideas are good enough.

