Anger No More

How Platforms Harness Rage to Sell You Ads

Amaris Kirby
The Jump
3 min readJul 11, 2020


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Karl Marx famously said, “Religion is the opiate of the masses.” Marx was dead wrong. Anger is the opiate of the masses.

In today’s data driven world, social media companies and news agencies will use any tactic necessary to keep you on their site for as long as possible. Since research confirms that anger and moral outrage is the best way to keep users engaged, social media platforms intentionally foster rage amongst their users — creating a remarkably unhealthy environment.

There has to be a better way.

If platforms didn’t have a data driven revenue model, they wouldn’t need to use moral outrage to keep users on the app. Instead, a platform could promote healthy communities and communication that actually work to produce change.

Platforms are Overrun With Negativity to Keep You Engaged

Studies show that outrage drives engagement and engagement drives revenue. Instead of focusing on positive user interactions, social media fuels fights, FOMO and fake news. Dr. Molly Crocket, an adjunct professor from Yale University, has found in her studies that learning about outrage online provokes even more of a response than the same outrage told to another in person.

Unfortunately, the use of morally outrageous content does little to encourage constructive growth in our world, and people are sick of it, even big companies. Recently, nearly a thousand well-known brands, such as Coca-Cola and Hershey, have announced they are pausing advertising on one of the world’s largest social media platforms. With all the chaos and uncertainty going on right now, companies have begun to protest how the major platforms use 70 billion dollars in advertising just to foster arguments and hate on their feeds. Now is the time for change, and people want something different — I know I do.

Social media fuels fights, FOMO and fake news.

Moral Outrage on Social Media Rarely Sparks Positive Change

Rarely do posts on social media encourage people to take steps that will actually influence the world for good. Instead, the anger driven culture of social media only keeps people engaged long enough to show them the next enraging post. Why does social media do little to produce real change? It has the capacity to do so and it will need a company willing to step up and make the decision not to use algorithms and the current revenue model to allow us to make change and stay connected.

Imagine if Social Media is Designed to Promote a Positive, Constructive Atmosphere

As users of social media, how are we to stay connected to our friends and loved ones and our community if these large platforms are constantly stoking the fires? Recently, a new platform was launched that does just that. The Jump promises “healthier social media and a positive culture to create a better ecosystem.”

“We recognized current problems with rage driven revenue models and wanted something better,” commented Wesley Elder, project manager for The Jump. “We started The Jump because we knew that people needed a healthier option.”

Imagine if our social media platforms could become the digital equivalent of a kitchen table or coffee with faraway friends. There is an alternative on the horizon and now is the time to make the change. I know I will and hopefully, it can be a place where positivity is the centerpiece.

To join me at The Jump, download it from your local app store.



Amaris Kirby
The Jump
Editor for

Trying to make the world a better place one scroll at a time.