Food’s the Word: Welcome to Food Files

The ultimate food group is finally here.

Amaris Kirby
The Jump
3 min readJul 2, 2020


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Foodie’s rejoice! Your dream place to discover new food ideas, post recipes, and share as many food photos as your heart desires is here, and it’s called Food Files. On an upcoming social platform called The Jump, this ultimate food group is a thriving place consisting of nothing but food related posts — every food fanatic’s dream. And with July 4th just around the corner, this may be your one-stop-shop for new ideas to feed the fam.

Standing Out from the Crowd

I’m sure you’re asking yourself: “Ok, but how is this any different from other platforms like Facebook and Instagram?” Throughout most of American history, people discovered new recipes in cookbooks, at a meal with friends, or at the county fair. However, with the advent of the internet, people can discover recipes online. Yet, most online cooking pages are a one way street. One person posts all the content and everyone else simply subscribes to listen to what they’re saying. The personal element of old recipe sharing is lost on current platforms. Not so on The Jump. “Food Files” is a large cooking group and it includes a vibrant community of people who are posting recipes, inspiring each other, and learning from one another.

The personal element of old recipe sharing is lost on current platforms.

Tasty Inspiration

Food Files Photos

“Food Files is supposed to showcase the great things that average people can do in their kitchens,” said Natalie Morgan, the founder of the “Food Files” jump. The group is meant to provoke people to step outside of their comfort zone and make new recipes. Many members enjoy scrolling through pictures of different plates that people have created. When they find a dish that looks good, they can simply look at the post associated with the picture to get the recipe.

Recipes and Cool Toys

Food Files Resources

“Food Files” is not just meant to inspire, it’s meant to give people tangible resources to cook better meals. This includes information about recipes and helpful tools that people can use in the kitchen. You can even attach links directly to Amazon for kitchen products or links to Youtube for instructional cooking videos. All of the links attached in any post can be easily found under a “Resources” tab so you don’t have to scroll forever to find that one specific bread maker someone posted 5 weeks ago. Easy and efficient for us wannabe chefs that are always running low on time.

Brag a Little

Food Files Feed

If you make something cool, you obviously want people to see it, right? Perhaps the best part of “Food Files” is the boasting that occurs between members. Members take joy in making good food and celebrate with one another when they create great dishes. And we all know that with a little bragging also comes a lot of inspiration. When we see others cooking and making delicious things, it inspires the tiny chef in us to create as well. Then hopefully, we post our creations and the chain of inspiration continues.

So all that to say, let’s press on to the future while still keeping the sweetness of the past alive. Food Files is a place where we can still share those good ole’ recipes with new friends and old. And what makes it truly beautiful is that anyone can share — you don’t have to be a 5 star chef or a professional photographer. You never know how much your food might inspire someone else. Be fed while you scroll through your feed.

Join Food Files here:



Amaris Kirby
The Jump

Trying to make the world a better place one scroll at a time.