3 Totally Serious Reasons You Need to Work From Home…

He wrote, sarcastically.

Bradley Allen
The Junction


by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

Three whole months have passed since I started working from home as a freelancer/independent contractor and I’ve got to say, it has been nothing short of amazing! Sure there are some downsides, but when you factor in the benefits (the most important of which are listed below!), there really isn’t much of an issue at all.

So here it goes. My reasons you should totally quit your job right this very second and start working from home.

Save money!

A visual reputation of my clothes now… by Jonathan Saavedra on Unsplash

We’ve all experienced it. You spot it from across the office. A bead of sweat runs down your forehead, and your leg starts to shake. Not again…

Another collection envelope has emerged…

Now don’t get me wrong I’m all for chucking a couple of quid into birthday cards, staff-leaving collections and sponsorship for Melanie’s sister’s cat’s 10k run. But you know what, on average I am now approximately £4,256 better off every month by not needing to contribute to the unending stream of collections. I know this makes me sound miserable (that cat is raising money for a good cause…



Bradley Allen
The Junction

Freelance writer, photographer and pizza enthusiast. No pineapple. Check out digital prints on Etsy - https://bradleyallenprints.etsy.com