A Fate Worse than Death

Chris A George
The Junction
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2018


Image credit: cocoparisienne/pixabay.com

He is being hunted, mercilessly. It is terrifying. Jack has to stay on the move or he will be found. He knows what awaits if he is captured and he has to do anything he can to keep that from happening.

The hunter, however, has endless determination. He knows what he must do and he also knows what will happen if he fails to bring in his prey. He shudders at the thought of what he will have to endure, but He will find him, he makes that promise.

“Where are you Jack?” the hunter calls out, “I just want to talk, nothing bad will happen to you.” He knows the boy is nearby, he can almost sense it.

Jack can see him now, searching under and behind everything that he comes across. Jack knows that he won’t be able to hide forever, but he also knows that he doesn’t have to, he just has to hide long enough. The hunter is consumed with finding him, and because of that, he has lost track of the time.

It wont be long now.

Jack has made a grave mistake; the hunter knows exactly what time it is, he is using that time to his advantage, to flush the boy out of hiding.


Jack jumps out of his hiding place, excitement and triumph written all over his face. “Eight o’clock, you’re too late. I did it”.

The hunter stands in front of Jack, a small smile tickling the corners of his mouth. “ You still have a lot to learn,” he says. ”You should know by now that you can’t beat me.”

Jack looks at the man, confusion and panic starting to spread through his body. “What are you talking about?” Jack asks. “The time is up, it’s over.”

“I moved the clocks forward,” the man says, “it is only seven thirty, still plenty of time.”

“Aw, dad, I hate bath time!”

“I know, but if you don’t have a bath before bed, your mom will never let me hear the end of it.”



Chris A George
The Junction

Writer of short fiction. I will attempt to improve my writing as time goes by and I have decided that the only way to do that is to write.