A Metaphysical Question

San Cassimally
The Junction
Published in
1 min readOct 3, 2019

E. is an Italian prize-winning film-maker who lives in Edinburgh, and is a friend of mine. His old mother lives in Rome and has been very poorly. She lives on her own, but E’s sister lives nearby and can look after her. Although, on the surface, he does not get on with mamma, because of her allegedly crabby nature, her paranoia and bad-mouthing, he volunteers to go look after her for about 3 or 4 months every year, if only to stop her sister from going mad. As he is “resting”, he can afford to take time off. He keeps in touch whilst away, and often tells me tales of daily humiliation he has to submit to. You have to admire his fortitude.

An ischaemic stroke (wikimedia)

Recently she had an ischaemic stroke (brought about by blood clotting), a mild one, it seems, and after recovering from this, she has changed into a sweet, mild-mannered woman.

He is now wondering whether this “new” woman might not be his real mother, after having undergone some unknown trauma when she was younger.



San Cassimally
The Junction

Prizewinning playwright. Mathematician. Teacher. Professional Siesta addict.