A Non-erotic But Nevertheless Romantic Poem for My Wife

On the occasion of my 60th birthday

Jack Herlocker
The Junction
1 min readNov 25, 2017


Photo: Jackson Burkhardt, 2016. We had fun trying on hats when we took Jackson to Disneyworld last year. Fortunately our nephew has known us his whole life and is comfortable with his meshugge aunt and uncle.

We stand naked at the sink,
Each to our side,
Brushing and flossing and combing,
Talking of the coming day,
Each comfortable in our skin
When we share it with each other.

Thank you for my birthday present.
It’s the same one you give me every day, but
Each birthday when it comes from you
It’s special again.

When did I stop dreading birthdays?
When did they stop being markers of regret?

At 20, still never dated;
At 30, still a virgin;
At 40, still alone and unloved;
At 50, still your husband, thinking this time maybe it might work;
At 60, still your husband, wondering what I did to not screw up;
At 70 some day, still your husband, married over a quarter century, thinking
that this time it really worked.

We lie in jammies in our bed,
Meeting in the middle,
Whispering and cuddling and stroking,
Talking of the day just past,
Each comfortable in our own life
When we share it with each other.



Jack Herlocker
The Junction

Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.