Photo by Daniel Frank from Pexels

A Trick of the Light


Stevie Adler
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2018


During the long sleep, he was shown a new world, a world of vivid colour, of distinctive smells, of total freedom and belonging. With this potential still fresh, the little one awoke. As foretold, the wall had turned translucent with a bright glow on the other side. He watched the moving shadows, and waited.

Frustrated, he shouted, “Who are you? Why do you tease me, and keep me locked away?”

The Light answered, “I am the Light. Here to be your guide.” He was a patient teacher, reinforcing all that was revealed during the long sleep, and the little one was eager to start the journey.

The Light said, “Remember to wait at the appropriate time.”

The little one understood and set about breaking through the wall. It was easy emerging into bright sunlight. His left side then unfolded and flexed open, followed by his right side. He looked up to see two brightly patterned wings towering above him, transformed and quivering in the heat of a summer’s day.

The little one, who wasn’t so little now, crawled to the edge of the leaf and sampled the breeze. There were many scents splashing over him but he managed to isolate the one that excited the most and flew his zigzagzug path, to its source. He landed right next to his future mate and exchanged more than just signals. Euphoria overtook them as they waited.

Snap! He and his mate were pinned within a giant beak, his magnificent wings crumpled under the pressure.

“Help. Where are you now? You promised so much,” and the pair of butterflies became lunch for a baby thrush.

Later, the baby thrush felt a presence and said, “Is there someone there? I can feel you. Who are you?”

“I am the Light.”

zigzagzug — zigzag weaves left-right, zigzagzug goes left-right-up-down.



Stevie Adler

Writer of Microfiction/Flash Fiction. Teller of Tales. Editor. Creator of Informative Articles and Opinionated Blogs.