All original artwork by Julia Nascimento (website, instagram — and thanks!)

Abandoned Apartments

Hengtee Lim (Snippets)
The Junction
Published in
13 min readJul 15, 2019


Not long after I arrived in Tokyo, I took a job for a small start-up company cleaning abandoned twitter accounts. At the start of a day of work, I was given two spreadsheets: one a list of account names, email addresses, and passwords, the other a list of new account names, email addresses, and passwords. For eight hours a day, once a week, I worked through as many of the items on the list as I could; changing usernames and addresses, and deleting old tweets.

I was never actually told what the accounts were for — I think it was a kind of hush-hush publicity stunt; preparation for a twitter version of War of the Worlds or something — but it didn’t bother me, really; I needed the money, and the work was easy.

In this way, my Monday mornings became a blend of local cafes and scrubbing away at the electronic past. I saw myself as a member of a cleaning company, slowly working through the rooms of an abandoned apartment building, and throwing out what was left.

Logging into a person’s dead account felt like wading into a room still filled with their things. Though most of the accounts were fake — made to look like real people but in fact shells for misinformation and promotion — occasionally I’d find real accounts that once belonged to real people, along with their thoughts and feelings scribbled across the walls of their old electronic homes.



Hengtee Lim (Snippets)
The Junction

Fragments of the everyday in Tokyo, as written by Hengtee Lim.