Across Scorching Woods

Flying With A Parasol

Vishnu Deepak
The Junction
2 min readNov 8, 2019


Source: Kyoto Animation

She was beautiful in every possible way,
Kind, compassionate; her father’s pride.
Joy and happiness she spread far and wide,
Until that day when the world turned gray.

She had her mother’s eyes they’d always said,
Their magnificent blue shone bright and hale,
Even as her skin grew pale, and her body so frail.
An aching father could but look on in dread.

With a silent smile she parted, to join her mother.
And in a river of sorrow the father drowned,
Deeper and deeper he sank below the ground,
A heart full of love with no one to smother.

Stay devoid of color did the murky waters at first,
But deep within him he felt a rage now growing.
Surrounded by water, yet ablaze and glowing,
A sickening cold fire, the devil’s terrible curse.

Yet give him strength did his burning animosity,
To propel himself forward and break the water’s surface,
To a world dyed crimson, bereft of purpose;
Of scorching woods and bloody monstrosity.

Source: Kyoto Animation

He was burning up, living hell on Earth.
But beyond the river was a shimmering pearl,
With a sky-blue parasol stood a young girl.
His forgotten curiosity she did unearth.

Draped in white and shades of blue,
Around her neck an emerald brooch did gleam,
He wondered if this was but a cruel dream.
But she took a giant leap and he swore she flew,

Across his channels of rage and pain.
She stepped on a leaf and took off once more,
A sight to behold for eyes so sore.
T’was a surreal experience, simple and plain.

Source: Kyoto Animation

Flooded with life’s color, his world shone anew,
His thoughts collecting like the morning dew,

He picked up his pen and decided to tell the world a story,
Of a little girl whom he loved and loved, living a life of unimaginable glory.

This poem pays tribute to Violet Evergarden and all the victims of the July 2019 arson attack at KyoAni.

