An Ally in this lonely journey

Sarba Basu
The Junction
Published in
1 min readApr 16, 2022
Photo by Mukuko Studio on Unsplash

We all try to find an Ally in this lonely journey,
A journey called life to the destination beyond.
We look for a partner, a companion of sorts,
Or maybe an accomplice in an unspoken bond.

Someone whose journey may be different,
Ideas radical, yet perspectives rational.
Someone who can share the same jokes,
Making life simpler, a little more comical.

Someone who’s just there around you
As you grow into the best of you,
Who understands who you want to be
And nudges gently into staying true.

We all need that ally to conquer life,
To win the battles that exist only in the head,
Pulling us out of the dark trenches of our minds,
And pushing us forward in our path, instead.

Together, we can break life’s infinite loop,
Escaping from those dreary everyday things,
Breaking the monotony of dead habit,
And trying to levitate with invisible wings.

Doesn’t matter if nothing’s meant to last,
And doesn’t matter if we’re truly alone,
Because days are better when shared
And hopes are higher for the unknown.



Sarba Basu
The Junction

In a perennial pursuit of the right word to define the right moment, feeling, or idea. When I’m not living in a made-up world in my head, I work as a marketer.