
TJ Gallagher
The Junction
Published in
3 min readJan 27, 2021

Clear! The sound of metal clanking against each other before shocking my chest. This was the last thing I remember. Darkness enters my mind as images begin popping up of my past.

It replays a scene at Christmas morning where the family is opening presents under the tree. Wayne, my son, tears into a gift that is almost as tall as his little 6-year-old body is. The smile lightens up his face as he got the bike he always wanted.

Little Lisa who is not so little these days standing at the same height as my wife rips open a tiny box that contains the beautiful earrings she dreamt of. Joy and delight take over my body as it warms my heart watching my wife experience this scene.

Another image flashes in my brain where I am at a baseball field watching my other son Jimmy throw a no hitter against the state champs. All his hard work and dedication finally paying off. He is overcome with emotion as he looks into the crowd walking off the mound.

Fast forward to Timmy’s high school graduation where he’s just finished his valedictorian speech with tears rolling down his face peering out into the audience. His brothers and sisters celebrating like they won the Super Bowl.

As I blink my eyes a different scene bursts across my mind. I am looking up at my flight number leaving for Austin at 7:00 AM Christmas morning. There is hardly a soul in sight as I review my notes for my meeting tomorrow.

Awoken by an alarm I roll over in a king size bed in my hotel room in Kansas City. I turn on the TV to see what the weather is supposed to be today. The weather girl calls for unusually high conditions even if it is the end of June. Better get ready for my sales meeting at noon.

As the hotel room scene blurs another one arrives. Laying in a hospital bed connected to all kinds of machines and wires. I look around and notice I’ve become an old man. A young nurse walks in to check on me as I ask her how I got there.

I am told that I have only hours to live. Where is my family I ask? She tells me I’ve had no visitors since I arrived. How could this be? Does no one care about me? What about my wife and kids?

Tears stream down my face as I remember who and what is important in my waning hours. I close my eyes as I wait for the end.

“Are you there sir? Can you hear me?” I wonder if they are talking to me. Am I in heaven? I open my eyes slow and begin to make out shapes. Wait this isn’t a hospital. What I am doing in the back of a ambulance?

I feel a warm touch on my arm as a familiar voice asks me if I am ok. Shifting my eyes to the right I see my wife and start crying like a baby.

It is at that moment I realize my priorities have shifted.



TJ Gallagher
The Junction

Lover of stroies long and short. Eager to learn and grow in different writing formats.