Brains, Brains, Beautiful Brains…

Matthew Ellis
The Junction
Published in
1 min readJan 2, 2019

Synapses dot our cortical space.

Humming harmoniously in thought,

encoding the lessons we’re taught,

firing in unison to a particular face,

and even recording time and place.

Autonomous these processes are not.

Via consciousness, we control a lot.

When experience and imagination summate,

our memories become imprinted on a neural substrate,

encoded with a tenor that we primarily dictate.

Our evolutionary agency stems from our brain,

but to take unbridled advantage, we must train.

This process may involve moments of pain.

However, our efforts are not for naught,

for every leap of growth begins via beautiful thought!



Matthew Ellis
The Junction

Interdisciplinary Innovator. Spreader of Smiles. Staying Awesome, one day at a time.