Image by the Author

Catcher’s Grip

The Junction


The grass was winter-colored beneath our feet
the ground was hard
your dreams had no season
so I let them become mine:

Somersaults and makeup and music
A faceless, nameless audience
holding its breath for you
the acrobat
the aerialist
the corporal poet

every stunt a metaphor
every routine rhymed
to the metronome of a trampoline
a spring floor
a bungee chord

A poet stutters and continues her performance
An acrobat stutters

We performed for the chain link fence
and the raspberry bushes
and the broken lattice under the porch
(tough crowd)

I grunted grey clouds
strained my muscles
my wire and sinew
my limbs in the air

You lifted me
hand to hand
over the winter-colored grass
over the hard ground
your back didn’t give
your arms held

I am older now
I am the faceless, nameless audience
holding my breath
as a merchant places your dream on a scale
and weighs out its price for his patrons

1 pair of empty hands
1 degree too short
1 misfired synapse
25 feet of free fall
2 vertebrae

He nods to himself
as if his finger weren’t on the scale

And you the corporal poet
I didn’t know could stutter
whose dream lies suspended in my mind
over the winter-colored grass
and the hard ground

you never dropped it
you never dropped me

