Chasing Life (6)

It’s Been So Long My Friend

Gail Boenning
The Junction
3 min readJan 12, 2018


Photo by Mikhail Vasilyev on Unsplash

This is musing number six — in a series documenting random meet-ups. It will stand alone, but for the full story, start with one and make your way to six. :) one, two, three, four, five

It’s been almost four months since our last meeting — me and the mysterious, upbeat, fellow trail walker. As summer gave way to autumn, and autumn to winter, I’d wonder about the man with the bright smile.

We’d run into each other no less than five times over the course of a couple months and then — nothing. I continued my normal patterns, but interestingly, sightings of my inspiring friend dried up along with the fall leaves.

Was he ill? Had he moved? Was he an apparition who’d left his impressions and then vanished into thin air?

I’ll most likely never know because I won’t ask. Such questions seem beyond polite small talk and the information is really none of my business, but one never knows where a connection might lead.

Today, he reappeared!

The weather’s given us a rollicking ride since January 1st — from single digits to mid-fifties with rain. This morning there was an incredibly strong wind out of the north escorting us back into the teens.

The last time we’d met, I was still in shorts and a tank top. Today, I was bundled in snow pants, my mid-thigh length purple hooded parka, a hat and mittens. I don’t think he recognized me as the same woman.

It was Mara who noticed first. She increased her speed, causing me to look up from the oak leaf strewn trail. A man was approaching with a dog on a leash. I called Mara with the promise of a treat. She stopped, pivoted and was at my side in a flash. I attached her leash and looked up into the face of my now-recognized friend as he said, “I’d let him go, but he’s a pup and doesn’t listen at all!”

It was at that point I saw beyond the hat to recognize the man I’ve come to think of as a teacher with lessons to deliver.

“How are you?” I asked. “It’s been a long time! Is that your dog?”

“Yup, I got him in September,” he replied.

“What’s his name?”

“Bingo. He’s nine months old — likes to steal the TV remote and my keys. He hides them under the bed. How old is your dog?”

“She’ll be eleven in July,” I said, wondering if he remembers us.

“There’s a pair of Sandhills (cranes) who didn’t get the migration memo,” he said. “They’re hanging with the geese and there’s no doubt they’ve taken charge of the bunch.”

“Really?” I laughed picturing the Sandhills and Canadian geese joining to share winter. Mara started with her insistent why are we just standing here? bark.

“Nice to see you again. Have a great day!” I called as we both began walking in opposite directions.

I sure hope there will be a Chasing Life (7). I’d love to get a picture of Bingo to share — adorable little Australian Shepherd? Border Collie? It’s gotta warm up so that my phone battery doesn’t die within minutes of hitting the trail.

