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Closure As the Fog Settles In

The mini movie marathon continues…

The Junction
Published in
5 min readDec 4, 2018


Today has been the very first Friday in four years, five months and twenty days that I have not worked. I promise that from now on I will simply round that off to four and a half years.

It has been six days since I worked my last day and I felt like it was truly over. But it was not until today that I felt true complete closure. It happened this morning when I went to see the owner of the now defunct business to collect my last paycheck and turn in my key to the building. The final paycheck had little impact on me. After all, it’s just money. It was when I handed over the key that I felt closure ripple throughout my body like a small earthquake. It now really is all over.

Instead of four keys, my key ring now only has three keys on it. It’s amazing how much lighter my pants are. I had to stop twice on the way home to hike up my pants. Of course that might have something to do with the fact that I’ve lost 7 or 8 pounds in the last few weeks. (Without trying, I might add.) I usually lose weight when I’m happy and gain weight when I am anxiety ridden. This now I cannot explain. I might need to buy a belt.

Anyway, this intense closure I experienced today was surely the bright spot of the day. And there was not much brightness to the day. It was a dark and gloomy…

