Conversation with My Wife (115)

Introverts, and the people who love them

Jack Herlocker
The Junction
2 min readOct 8, 2018


From our 10th anniversary cruise. No, I don’t know how to smile for the camera; bite me. But doesn’t my wife look wonderful?

So I saw this post by Erika Sauter in my feed:

…and I shared it with my wife, because it struck several chords.

She liked it, too.

DEB: Erika hit a lot of the things in marriage we have in common. Like the way we approach marriage. Like the realization that it’s not a fairy tale ending. Like I get hot flashes and you do wires.*

ME: I figured you’d relate.

DEB: Y’know, honey, it’s amazing how many of your Medium peeps connect with you, and each other. All the more so since you are mostly a bunch of introverts. It’s like you can’t really get along with people, but you still need connections.

ME: Somebody** said that being an introvert is wanting to be alone, but being afraid of being lonely.

DEB: I like that! I can see — if cost and time weren’t a factor — the bunch of your peeps getting together for some sort of gathering. You’d meet near Tre or go over to see Erik in Holland or whatever. And you’d be going, “Oh, I loved that piece you did last year!” “What you wrote was just amazing, it really changed me!” “It is so wonderful to meet you in person!” And then after about two hours, you all would be, “Okay, that was fun. So, next year, again, maybe? Maybe two years? It was great, guys! Bye!”

Yep, that would be us.

Copyright © 2018 by Jack Herlocker. All rights reserved, including the right to say No, we are NOT having this at my house, so stop hinting, Roy! Anyway, Meg is the one with the rental property.

*Erika, I swear I have gone mostly wireless. Promise. Also, Deb is pretty much over the hot flashes thing.

** Annie Littlewolf, I’m pretty sure. Annie, I probably messed up the quote, but I think it was you, yes?



Jack Herlocker
The Junction

Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.