Conversation with My Wife (116)

NPR Hell: Every week is pledge week, and the station manager lost her index cards so she’s just winging the support requests

Jack Herlocker
The Junction
2 min readOct 20, 2018


If you start playing great tunes in a cemetery, people will be dying to listen to them. Source: Pixabay.

So we’re driving into work together, listening to NPR, and our local station plays a brief announcement encouraging their listeners to remember our local public radio station in our wills.

DEB: That makes no sense. How are we going to listen after we’re dead?

ME: Speakers in the coffin. You can be listening perpetually.

DEB: They need power, right? So you run a power cord over to your grave, and the grounds crew runs over it with the lawnmower —

ME: No no! Solar panels! Solar panels on the gravestone! Run the cord down and you’re good to go. Forever!

Silence as we digest this plan.

DEB: Okay, but trees —

ME: No trees. Trees are not our friend in this case. Also, make sure the grave site faces south. And you’ll want battery backup for the night time shows.

DEB: (who knows me all too well) You can’t put this in a Conversation, it’s too weird.

ME: It’s almost Halloween! There’s weird stuff all over Medium right now!

DEB: As opposed to…?

ME: I mean, like, Halloween weird. Graves. Ghosts. Stuff like that.

Although, come to think of it, I’ve already done a ghost story for this month.

ME: Or are you thinking of my family? They never read my stuff anyway.

DEB: I know, your family is the last group I worry about. I’m just thinking some people will find it strange, with Mom¹ and all.

Well… yes. But my Medium peeps are used to me being odd. They clap for me anyway. Or at least mean to, when the claps are working. <sigh>

¹My mother passed away October 13. Well, her body died, her mind left us a long time ago. So you know how some people say, “In a way, it was a relief”? Yes, seriously, it was a relief.

Copyright © 2018 by Jack Herlocker. All rights reserved, including the right to remain silent as the grave. So to speak.



Jack Herlocker
The Junction

Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.