Conversation with My wife (158)

<cough> Just to set the record straight…

Jack Herlocker
The Junction
3 min readApr 11, 2020


DEB: You okay, honey? I’m not putting too much stress on you? Making you get dressed and all? Every single day? Hmmmm?

Exaggeration for effect is a well-known literary and rhetorical device. One I employ on occasion in my writings. Usually to good effect.

Not always, however.

ME: Ahhhh… you read my latest posting? The one prompted by The Solitary Cook?

DEB: Why yes, honey, I did! That’s how I learned that I was making you get dressed every day! And here I was under the impression that you were getting dressed right after I left for work before the pandemic. How could I have been so foolish? (looks at me with apologetic puppy-dog eyes)

ME: Ahhhh… (no, not going to win, deflect, deflect!) Otherwise was it good? With the ducks and everything?

DEB: Yes, honey, I liked it. But I like all your stuff.

ME: I should have mentioned your projects!

Deb has projects going on during the Trump Pandemic. Some are highly utilitarian, like face masks for both of us.

Not quite done yet, but close. She made enough that we can wear once and wash.

She made bunny ears + cotton tail + sign so we can go wish solo shut-ins a happy Easter on Sunday.

Please note the bunny tail sticking out to the left of the “E” on the sign.

She did a reading of her children’s book, Caitlyn’s Adventure, so that kids can have someone other than their parents read a book to them.

Normally I HATE videos in tall (portrait) mode, but the illustrations from the book plus so many kids watching on their parents’ phones made wide (landscape) less practical.

Our across-the-street neighbors (he’s the one who helped me with our mulch last year) have these wonderful flowering trees that are breathtaking this time of year.

When a breeze blows, it’s like a pink & white snowstorm.

And two little ones who are going stir-crazy, like so many. So Deb offered to let them borrow our backyard if they wanted to have an “exotic” picnic next to our waterfalls (I may need to get a “NO DIVING” sign, just to be safe, because #kids) while she and I keep socially distant inside our porch.

Kids like water, right? There’s a terrace to the right of the photo, with rocks for sitting and space to lay out a picnic lunch. Also electric to plug into because… well, you never know, right?

Plus other things still in progress. Like updating our wills and our “in case of our deaths” packet to her brother (just because there’s time right now; not related in any way to anything else going on, and we’re feeling fine, thanks for checking). So we should be good for another month. Which is what the curve for Pennsylvania is looking like right now.

And most of all, I want to state for the record that my wife has NEVER nagged me to get dressed during the current stay-at-home order.

Just so you know.

Copyright ©2020 by Jack Herlocker. All rights reserved. Don’t become Deb’s next little project…



Jack Herlocker
The Junction

Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.