Conversation with My Wife (54.1)

Just setting the story straight

Jack Herlocker
The Junction
2 min readAug 12, 2017


I went looking for a photo of Deb’s place to show that I actually had seen it. Couldn’t find one in my digital library. and I’m not going to go searching through the shelf-feet of physical photo albums. So this is us kissing at our wedding (different shot) because well, my new bride was just one damn cute lady that day. And has been ever since. And before, of course. Y’know, let’s just forget I brought it up, okay?

So I showed Deb the post where we talked about our first date and our first kiss:

I like to watch her face when she reads a Conversation and responses for the first time. This time I was getting smiles of remembrance… and then a frown.

ME: What?

DEB: You have me saying, “You brought me home after dinner and a walk by the river, and I wouldn’t let you in.” You make it sound like I wouldn’t let you into my house.

ME: Well, the foyer. Entrance. Whatever. You said that was as far as I could go.

DEB: I gave you a tour of my place before we left for dinner!

ME: Sure, before we left. When I dropped you off and walked you to your door, you said that was as far as I was going. That night.

DEB: I said, “that night”?

ME: You might have said that. It was a long time ago. Maybe it was more of an implication.

DEB: I just don’t want people to think I wouldn’t even let you see my place. That’s just rude.

ME: I will post a clarification, my love.

DEB: You can do that?

My series, my rules.



Jack Herlocker
The Junction

Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.