Conversation with My Wife (56)

“This ain’t Nam, man! There are rules!” Or at least guidelines. Right?

Jack Herlocker
The Junction
2 min readSep 2, 2017


If you are trying to read this on a small screen, it’s transcribed below.

With certain exceptions*, a sentence or thought is followed by one and only one exclamation point, question mark, or period. Possibly a question mark (singular) followed by an exclamation point (singular)**. Because This Is How Civilized Persons Behave.


My wife disagrees. We have had discussions. We have arrived at a civilized compromise, where I use singular exclamation points and she does whatever she wants without further comment.


The following is from last night. Deb is in Illinois to look in on my parents; I am still in Pennsylvania, due to pick her up that night. (Close captioned for the emoji impaired.)

DEB: Probably in about 12 hours I’ll be seeing you!! {half moon emoji} {glad hands emoji}

ME: {applause emoji} {applause emoji} {applause emoji} {happy face emoji} {kissy face emoji} {kissy face emoji} {kissy face emoji} Love you LOTS!!

DEB: I think I got that, honey. And isn’t the effusive use of emojis the same as too many !!!!! ?

ME: No!!! {winking emoji}

DEB: I think this should be crowd sourced for a vote.

ME: Oh dear. Who do you have in mind. Wait! A new Conversation? Dialog is already written.

DEB: Exactly! {happy face emoji} {clown face emoji} {devil face emoji} {cat face emoji} {big lips emoji} {reference to The Great Gatsby emoji}***

So, peeps, friends, and casual readers (anybody can play):

Is the effusive use of emojis the same as too many exclamation points?

Please express your thoughtful opinions in the responses.

Meanwhile, our conversation continued for a little bit longer.

No comments necessary on this, unless you have suggestions on medications. Hers or mine, we’re open either way.

*Our catch phrase to each other is “Love you LOTS!!” with two (2) exclamation points, occasionally abbreviated “LUL!!” But that’s a stated exception, see, so it’s totally cool.

**Also, people: three periods. Not two. Not four. It’s an ellipsis, defined as three dots. Even Medium understands this.

***I dunno what she was trying to get across either.



Jack Herlocker
The Junction

Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.