Conversation with My Wife (70)

Everybody has a body sometime…

Jack Herlocker
The Junction
2 min readNov 27, 2017


Source: Note how anyone driving by faster than, say, a moderate walk would be unable to read most of it. But there’s a QR code! Because THAT’S what we need more of, drivers hanging their phones out the window to scan QR codes.

I don’t like most electronic billboard content.The billboards themselves are okay, in concept, but most of the content appears to have been okayed by someone staring at a monitor in good lighting conditions with no distractions. For more than eight seconds, which seems to be the average duration of the typical ad. I could time them to be sure, of course… golly, why don’t I do that? Oh, that’s right, I’M DRIVING THE DAMN CAR! Otherwise, of course, I’d be happy to peer intently at each ad as it cycles through, trying to make out what the advertiser is intent on getting across, while craning my neck around the SUV that moved between me and the roadside as we proceed along at high speeds.

Having a passenger doesn’t help. Except to talk to.

ME: Somebody is here for us.

DEB: What? Who?

ME: I have no idea. The stupid billboard threw up a picture of somebody staring into a car’s trunk with the words, “We’re Here For You,” and then there was a bunch of other text but the SUV in the next lane passed us. And now it’s gone, of course.

DEB: Why would someone be looking in their trunk?

ME: No clue. They didn’t seem happy. Maybe they found a body? That happens.

DEB: Might be someone offering cremation services. “Body in the boot? Bring ’em on in!”*

ME: “Fast and efficient service! Body to ashes in less than an hour or the next one is FREE!”

DEB: “Cash only, please.”

ME: Or Bitcoin, if they’ve modernized.

DEB: Any chance they were looking under the hood, not the trunk? It might have been AAA.

ME: Well, then, they should have opened with that.



Jack Herlocker
The Junction

Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.