Conversation with My Wife (74)

This holiday season, say you love her with a slather of back goop!

Jack Herlocker
The Junction
2 min readDec 10, 2017


Both of us being in our sixties, and me with diabetes, paying attention to skin dryness is important. We try to remember to slather moisturizer (aka “goop”) on ourselves and on each other on a frequent basis come winter time. Usually in the morning, because we’re most likely to be shirtless then.

DEB: Do you need your back gooped, honey?

ME: Thank you, honey!

Moisturizer is spread over my back, with comments on which areas need it most.*

ME: How ‘bout you?

DEB: Uhhh… (mentally inventories back) Please!

I warm up the goop in my hand for a few seconds — VERY IMPORTANT — and run my hands over her back while giving her a status report (she’s in pretty good shape, IMHO). She starts to walk off.

ME: Not done!

DEB: (thinking it sure felt like I was done) Oookay.

I trace a large heart over her back with the little remaining goop on my fingers.

ME: There we go! (she doesn’t move) Honey?

DEB: (sad voice) You… you aren’t going to add, “JH + DH”? With a little arrow?

In my own defense, we were running a little short on time. Otherwise I’d have drawn the full valentine on her back.

I start to turn to get more goop and she laughs and walks off. Two seconds later she’s back with a kiss.

DEB: Do you wish you’d married somebody normal, honey?

ME: No, honey, I’m much happier being married to YOU!

*I have been known to scratch until I damage skin, then scratch off the dead skin a few days later. Sometimes in rather intimate places. (I’m sorry, too much information?)



Jack Herlocker
The Junction

Husband & retiree. Developer, tech writer, & IT geek. I fill what’s empty, empty what’s full, and scratch where it itches. Occasionally do weird & goofy things.