Curiosity can take you on many adventures

Yana Knight
The Junction
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2019

Curiosity is all the rage and for a good reason. It is a key ingredient of a successful life because it can take you on many adventures and open up possibilities.

Here’re some possibilities that could open up if you’re curious:

Kidnapping — I was sitting in a dodgy café when I became exceedingly curious about the three men opposite me who had been pointing in my direction and discussing me and in some strange language. I was so curious, I went over to say hi. I woke up some days later in a hole with broken teeth and no money.

Drug addiction —I was curious about the effects of drugs and set myself a project to try a new drug a week, which I achieved. Now I’m hooked on everything from weed to pills and heroin but at least I’m a high achiever!

Fights — A really easy one, typically starts by throwing in a phrase such as «Curious to know what you think of the situation in middle east?» All it takes to get into one and to not foresee the consequences is some plain human curiosity and empathy, interest in other people’s opinions, and desire to learn from them.

Abusive relationships — After 15 years of humiliation, lies and betrayals, I thought, “I wonder what would happen if we have a child?” We tried and the relationship progressed from verbal to physical abuse. Curious, what if we try again?

Homelessness—This opportunity opened up because I was curious what would happen if I just quit my job, my lousy friends and this god awful country and moved to some place I’d never heard of in Western Romania to sell bazookas online. After 2 weeks I was on the street wondering how to get back but I didn’t know which way to go or how to ask for directions…

So, the moral of the story: stay curious, and learn how to ask for directions!

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