Current Year, 2020, Resigns as Popularity Reaches New Low

Justin Borak
The Junction
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2020

By Justin Borak

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

WORLD — After just over five months, the year of 2020 has decided to resign as the current year, relinquishing their duties to 2021 a full 6 months earlier than expected.

2020 started the statement explaining the sudden exit, “With the many controversies and scandals surrounding my term as your year, myself along with my team have decided to end it early.”

From Lil’ Dicky getting a television show to Lindsay Graham still not coming out as being a life-size Chucky Doll, 2020 has been a year best described as full of “controversies and scandals”. The push from 2020’s team for resignation became clear as a possibility after the Pope explained his nervousness for the year at a press conference on Jan. 12th, “We are getting the bubble fitted with EXTRA, bullet-proof glass and my hat now has a nest cam, so, we are figuring it out.”

WIldfires in Australia, an ever-escalating tension between the U.S. and Iran, the worst locust swarms Africa has seen in decades, and the Sonic: The Hedgehog being the second highest grossing film of the year…starting off with a clean slate might be our globe’s best option.

2020 continued in their letter, “While we did have good times, the Brooklyn 99 finale and the Parks and Recreation reunion, Mike Schur can’t hold us together no matter how strong his writing is. As of June 22nd, the year will officially be 2021 until the December 31st of the following year.”

While the excitement for a full 17 months without a new set of failed New Year’s resolutions is a silver lining, the resignation does make people question how much the current Pandemic had to do with it.

In a recent tweet from the 2020’s Chief of Staff, Pete Buttigieg, he touches on the connection, “Covid-19 is a terrible thing happening, it had no weight in our decision and we hope 2021 has a better plan lol good luck.”

Now, in the last weeks of 2020, 2021 has released their first public statement, “While not prepared for the sudden responsibility, we are looking into all of our options and attempting to find the best plan for us to get past this current pandemic. While that plan will take time to develop, we are proud to announce we have created and finalized deals with Netflix and Disney+ to offer half priced subscription rates to people still under quarantine. We also pardoned Joe Exotic.”

So far, hopes are high for the upcoming, highly anticipated year.



Justin Borak
The Junction

Comedy Writer based in Chicago. Writing for Flexx, The Junction, Word Brothel, Extra Newsfeed, and more! Human person.