
D.C. Maloney
The Junction
Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2019
Illustration by D.C. Maloney


Ladies, stop us when this sounds familiar:

You’re home alone one evening, scrolling through Instagram with reruns of The Office playing in the background, bored out of your mind- when the old itch comes around again. Your brain simply says to you: “BOYS”.

You re-download Tinder, or Bumble, or Hinge, or all three- and decide to see what’s out there. Maybe flirt a bit, go out for a drink, or “order in”- despite knowing, whether something comes out of it or not, that a month, a week, maybe even a day later, you’ll be right back where you started: alone, frustrated, and lost in a sea of indecision.

If this is how you feel, then we have the app for you!

Introducing Dick on Demand: the only dating app on the market that consists entirely of dick pics!

Swipe through an endless stream of dicks in your area, or, with DOD Premium, all around the world! With other dating apps, often you won’t know what the man’s penis looks like until it’s far too late. Does that sound fair to you? Of course not! Dick on Demand cuts out the middle man (as in the actual man) and gets right to the part that matters most.

Now you might say, “wait a minute, Dick on Demand- what about catfishing? How are we supposed to know whether or not that’s actually his dick?”

Simple! If you see a blue checkmark in the top right corner of the dick pic, that means it is a verified dick. Fellas who want to make sure you ladies know that it is, in fact, their dick on display just have to submit a full body nude photo (while holding a valid piece of photo ID) and our support team will verify their dick. It’s that easy.

“But Dick on Demand,” you might add, “what about tricky angles? Photoshop? That thing where they put a smaller object in the frame to make it look bigger than it actually is?” Great question, girlfriend! Here at Dick on Demand, we feel the best source of secondary verification is you, the community. Which is why, in Patch 1.02, we introduced the ‘Report’ function, and the results have been spectacular. Something not quite look right? Angle seem a bit off? Is he trying to pass off that lil’ ol’ chiquita as a big ol’ Del Monte? Well just hit that report button, and we’ll take care of the rest.

And if that’s not enough to convince you that this app is for you, well then just take a look at a couple of our testimonials:

5/5 “I mean when you’re texting guys on a dating app, the dick is basically who you’re talking to anyway.”

4/5 “I honestly don’t notice any difference.”

5/5 “I met my dick I mean boyfriend on DoD three years ago, and we’ll be getting married in two weeks! Thanks, Dick on Demand!”

Tired of waiting around for Prince Charming? Well then get on out there and find his dick.

Happy swiping, ladies.



D.C. Maloney
The Junction

If you’re going to burn a bridge, make sure you cross it first.