Darling Monster

The Junction
Published in
1 min readMay 5, 2018
Source: Flickr / paperaeroplanes

Monstrous mind
When inside, you’re behind enemy lines
It keeps you hostage,
Feeds you toxics
Plays his favorite tricks,
That you easily fall for
That is way more than a thing, alluring
It owns you, not the other way around
Such a powerful grip, ruthless
Though, tenderness has a way
Slowly it slips through this robust fist
You know gentler moments,
This monstrous creature has a taste
For art, tunes, scenery,
For words,
It knows how to sew a escape,
Tranquil space,
It knows how to paint it’s walls yellow,
Ceilingless space,
You soar high,
You are detained no more
You know you love your monster,
You would not ask for another,
You two fix each other

