Dating Casper

Ann Litts
The Junction
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2019


Photo by Lucas Ludwig on Unsplash

Dating in the years immediately following my divorce was quite the learning curve. It’s only in hindsight and with the tincture of time can I look at my past experiences with clarity and see my journey through the haze for what it was.

One of the first and most crucial lessons came to me very slowly. It took several episodes of sitting in The Universe’s classroom before it sunk in. Let me share it with you now:

Do not date men with self-esteem issues. You cannot fix that shit.

Sadly dating websites seem to be fraught with folks who suffer this affliction.

I promise you this. No matter how supportive or wonderful or loving you are to them — they will not believe they are worthy of your time/attention/affection.

In fact, it seems to have the opposite effect on the relationship. The more you fall for them, the more you show you care about them, the more you become invested in their well being — the less they respect you.

Some Humans (because women do this too) have a serious case of — “I would never join a club who would have me” — going on. Their mental snapshot of themselves is so poor the minute you hitch yourself to them — you drop in their esteem simply by association.

You can hear the thought echo through their psyche — “What kind of loser wants to be with a loser…

