
Swathy Tantry
The Junction
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2018

David was feeling lucky today. His presentation had gone a little too well. Even his boss leaked out a little smile in appreciation. How often does that happen? The lunch was the way he liked it too, just the right amount of salt and spicy. To top it all off, on his way back to office he even found a completely empty lift. You’re killing it today David! The day was too good to be true.

He pressed for 19th floor. Nothing can stop me now! The lift however kept going. Extremely paranoid about time, David knew the lift only took 10 seconds to reach his floor. It was way past 10 seconds now…10 minutes… David thought he must have seen the time wrong. David pressed the stop button now, sure that the lift had gone crazy. 60 minutes now… David had tried everything, calling the operator, calling his colleagues. He’d slammed the door and pushed all the buttons. Nothing gave. Dave had screamed his throat off and finally fallen asleep.

“19th floor… 19th floor,” the lift announcement woke David up.

As he walked out of the lift, he heaved a sigh of relief. The mirror in the lobby aged David twice his age. Astonished, David pinched himself when, “hey, David!” a woman hollered at him. David turned to her only to have her walk right past him. She looks familiar.

A man on the TV who strangely resembles David’s dad yapped away about the soaring petrol prices. David takes a good look at all the people in the lobby. Everyone looks so familiar. Everyone looks like… me!

David walks up to a boy who looks like an eighteen year old David since he was holding a placard with David’s name on it. David gets a weird look from David. “But I’m David,” justifies David.

“So what?,” asks David and walks away from David.

Confused, David makes his way out of the building too overwhelmed by everyone and himself. Two burly Davids shove David into the back of a cab and one of them punches David hard in the face. The last words he hears before fainting are, “ I hope we got the right guy this time.”

