Dinner, without the movie

Elizabeth Helmich
The Junction
Published in
7 min readNov 17, 2017

a short story

“Miss, are you getting out of the car?”

“What?” Violet’s head snapped to attention.

“Do you want me to park your car, or not?”

“No…no. I’m good.” A glance in her rear-view showed a line behind her. Her thigh was vibrating. It was her phone, telling her she had a date at 7.
Late again. She couldn’t even remember how she’d gotten here, let alone anything about a date.

This always happened when she missed a dose.

She zipped out of the line, stuffing her Mini into the first slot she saw where she didn’t have to parralel park. She’d never learned, and wasn’t about to start now.

Another peek at her phone. She hoped this ‘Zach’ was as good-looking in person as his Match profile pic was. She swapped out her office flats for a pair of stilettos, quickly regretting her decision as she tried to sexy-wobble her way across a cobblestone street.

What kind of guy wants to meet at Vincenzo’s on a first date? Oh god, I hope he’s not watching…

The lobby was dark, but inviting. A massive crystal chandelier highlighted a row of burgundy velvet-lined chairs that held several waiting couples. The doorman motioned her over to the hostess stand. The hostess’ eyes flashed up, giving her a huge smile.

“Hello, Violet! Please, come this way.” What, did he show her my picture or something?

Zach’s looks were much more distracting in person. Violet was so locked into the intensity of his gaze and that half-smile that she nearly toppled over the table while reaching to shake his hand.

“Hi. It’s nice to…meet you.”

“Umm…Violet? We went out last week. Remember?”

“Ah-ha!” Her laugh was too high-pitched, but he seemed to buy it.

“Yes…kidding. That was…” she searched for something appropriate to say, considering she had no clue what happened last week “…an amazing night.”

Zach’s face would have split in two if he smiled any bigger. “Yeah, it was…as was the next morning. I’m really glad you agreed to go out again.”

Violet’s cheeks felt hot. She looked down at her phone, pretending she’d received a notification. Thankfully, the waiter showed up just then.

During the meal, Violet was genuinely surprised at how comfortable she felt talking to Zach. He knew a lot about her, and she added in details that she thought sounded believable. She was certain they were only partially true. Her memory was still too fuzzy for her to be completely sure of anything.

She didn’t mind that he did most of the talking. She was busy enjoying the polite way he twirled his pasta, and how he blotted his mouth twice before speaking. Her mind kept drifting off to an enjoyable curiosity about what had happened the week before. Leaning in, she let him look down her dress while pretending to listen intently.

She knew better than to quit cold turkey. That must be what happened. I need to call Veronica, she’ll know. Her roommate since college knew her better than anyone. She’d set her straight. At least her muscles weren’t aching as badly as last time. The agency said the pain would go away…fucking liars.

“I need to use the Ladies’ room. Back in a few.”

Sending Zach an air kiss, she silently cursed herself again for the ridiculous heels as she tried walking a straight line. Whew! This wine’s going straight to my head…maybe I should have ordered something other than salad…

Violet was startled when she came out of the stall to see her waiter standing there. Arms crossed, his face was utterly deadpan. She giggled nervously while reaching into her bag for her mace.

“Did you…lose your way to the Men’s room?”

“No, Violet. Cut the shit. C’mere.”

“What? I don’t know you… What the hell do you want?” She backed up into the sink, clutching the mace.

“Oh, fuck.” He paused, shaking his head. “They really did you in last time, didn’t they? I’m sorry. This is getting harder on you. I tried to tell them to use Monica for this one, but they insisted it had to be you.”

“Alright, last chance,” she said, shoving the mace in his face, finger on the trigger. “Get the fuck outta this bathroom, or I’m gonna spray you.”

The stall to her right burst open, and she was tackled to the ground by another man she recognized. He was half of the couple seated next to her and Zach. The mace flew out of her hand, and the waiter was on top of her, pinning her wrists to the ground.

“Hurry up man, I don’t know how long I can hold her!”

“Hang on… I’ve got it…” The room grew hazy as the second guy plunged a syringe deep into her left bicep. Violet’s consciousness nearly seeped into the black pinhole with the liquid before a technicolor rainbow jolted her senses back into the room.

Blinking a few times, her shadows cleared. The men were still there. Staring. Waiting.

“It’s about fucking time you and Nate started working together.”

Nate laughed, relieved. “Whew. I thought we’d lost you that time. Glad to have you back, V.”

“They keep trying to take me out, but I keep coming back for more…
Don’t I, Alex?”

“There she is. I missed you, babe.” Alex gave her a long kiss, pressing her hips into the sink. His fingers danced at the edge of her dress. She grabbed his crotch, pulling him closer before pushing him off.

“Slow down there. I’ll come find you…later. Time to work.” She slapped his ass and laughed. Biting his lip, he gave hers a tap in return.

“Mmm. Damn tease. I’m here when you need me.”

“Oh, I know. I’m good. For now.” Flashing him a knowing look, she went back out to the table.

“Hiya…” she paused, groping for an excuse to give Zach. “Sorry…I had to…take a call from Veronica. She broke up with her boyfriend again. I promised her some drinks when I get back.”

“I was starting to wonder… I ordered us another bottle of wine, and some dessert. I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so they’re bringing one of each. I hope you can fit some in after all that salad,” Zach teased.

Their escapades from last Friday night flooded her mind in a hot rush. For a brief flash she fantasized about taking him back to her place for a while.
He’s such a pretty little thing. So talented… Mmm. Oh, hell.

“You know, this place is really slow tonight. I noticed all those rooms they use for wedding receptions are completely empty…” Her toes slipped out of her heel and began tracing lines up his leg.

“Is that right? Hmm… I’m not feeling very well. Maybe I need you to show me where you’re talking about…” He had that smirk again, and clutched his stomach dramatically in feigned pains.

Her hands laced around his arm, they tried not to giggle while making their way to the other side of the restaurant. She winked at Nate as they walked by, Zach nervously muttered something about being back shortly for dessert.

“This one.”

Violet playfully pushed him into the third room, the door latching loudly behind them.

“Shhh… We don’t need to get thrown out!”

“That’s ok. They know you here, right? You’re a regular. Restaurants like regulars. So do I…” Her body framed him against the wall, kissing him while her hands explored. Maybe just a little fun…

Groping her, his hands easily found their way inside her low-cut dress, their tongues locked in battle. After loosening his tie, she yanked at his collar a bit too hard, popping off two buttons.

“Wow, Violet — you are hungry tonight after all, aren’t you?”

“Yes… I am always hungry.” She pulled him down to the floor, straddling him. Pressing down on their mutual hunger.

“Aren’t you?”

The door clicked softly behind them. Violet was busy purring into Zach’s ear to mask the sound.

“Do you want to leave?”

“No... No fucking way.”

She bit his earlobe while Zach wrestled his pants off. Standing above him, she leisurely slipped off the straps of her dress, smiling as it slinked off her curves and puddled onto the floor.

“Oh Violet, you…are incredible.” He propped up onto his elbows, motioning her in.

“On your knees,” she commanded. Getting behind him, she removed his shirt while rubbing her breasts up and down his back. Goosebumps of anticipation sprinkled his skin in the large, empty reception hall.

It was nearly more than she could stand not to take him then.

“Mmm, Violet… I need to have you…” Zach began to turn when she suddenly jerked his tie, cutting off his air supply. She kneed into his back and he fell to the ground, gasping.

“Not tonight, Zach. I have other plans.” Tightening her grip, she squeezed her knees into his sides harder when he tried bucking her off. Pulling tighter and tighter, she tried to ignore his fits as her knuckles turned white with fury.

She waited until his gagging sounds subsided, all his fight gone.

Violet was slipping her dress back on as Nate came in closer to film Zach’s final demise for Headquarters approval. They’d better be happy with this one. I’m not going under like that again.

Violet plucked her cell out of her purse. “It’s done. No witnesses. The team’s here. There will be no evidence. Feed should be coming in from D-5 now.”

“Good work Violet…but we’ve told you about this before. You’ve got to stop sleeping with the marks.”

“Yeah, well, you’ve got to stop cleaning my slate so I can remember all the fun I have with them before I polish them off.”

“We’ll talk about this at your next briefing.”

“Right. And you’re paying me double for that last dosage. I told you my strength wasn’t an issue. You need to start trusting me.” She hangs up.
Fucking protocol.

She throws a quick wave to the hostess, Natalie, before scampering downstairs to see Johnny.

“Tell Natalie to let you know when I come in next time, ok love? Would you play ‘Un Homme Et Une Femme’ for me? It’ll bring me back quicker.”

Giving Johnny a pouty look, she pecked his cheek before he had a chance to respond.

“Anything for you, V. Be good tonight.”

“Thanks, Johnny…but I try not to make promises I can’t keep. Goodnight.”

Violet strolled out under cover of night, stars glistening high above the echo of her laughter.



Elizabeth Helmich
The Junction

Holes and a series of rabbits — my debut poetry collection — now available! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089RRRGXX/