
And in a sea of confusion

John Doiron
The Junction
Jan 11, 2022


Photo by Maksym Kaharlytskyi on Unsplash

I can’t go back to the way
things were,
but I also can’t move forward.
I want to be like one of those
crows that sit atop bare
trees and scream into
the empty cold.

It wasn’t always like this,
or maybe it was and
my memory’s flawed,
as if for years
I’ve been whirling
in the bottomless present
with no solid referent.

I’ve waited for God to
take my hand and
flip the light switch,
yet here I am, floating,
rudderless, tasting black
storms on the horizon.



John Doiron
The Junction

Writer, poet, dabbler in philosophy, and produce manager.