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Eat, Pray, Laundry

They’re not gonna make a movie about this

The Junction
Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2018


For the last week or so I have been having extremely intense dreams every night — not just one or two dreams but many each night. I have not dreamed like this in months if not years. I was practically exhausted from my dreams when I woke up this morning.

But I woke up and went through my morning rituals and I meditated and prayed and ate my egg yolks (the only thing I eat for breakfast). Then I sat down at my desk and opened up my laptop and booted it up, ready to start writing. That is what I do every morning after eating and praying.

To my chagrin, I realized that my well was completely empty. There wasn’t even a single word flopping around on the bottom of the empty well. That is odd and rare. Usually it’s just a matter of opening up to the torrent. But there was nothing.

Luckily, I had written a stupid poem the night before after having watched the movie, Boyhood. I consider that Richard Linklater movie to be a profound work of art; one of the best films to come out in the last decade. It was so great to watch it again.

I reread the poem I wrote the night before and was not impressed but I published it anyway. Like I said, the well was dry.

