Email Anxiety

Larenz Brown
The Junction
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2019

Ok is this the right address? This is the right address. Are email addresses case sensitive? Ok I’ve already googled that before. Ok a lot of people have googled that before. Is this the right address? Are there any missing letters? Are there any extra letters? Ok I think I’ve got it. Ah i forgot the .com. Is or .edu? Oh its .org. Great. What should the subject be? I’m gonna write ‘hello.’ No that’s too vague I’m sure they get a hundred emails every day that say ‘hello.’ How about ‘touching base?’ No that sounds like innuendo dressed in business casual. How about ‘Regards.’ No that makes me sounds uppity. Or is it sophisticated? No I still think it’s uppity. I’m gonna go with ‘Today.’ It’s specific, yet general. Casual, yet poised. Ok we’ve got a winner. Shit it’s 12:25 am. Does ‘today’ make sense anymore? Will they think I’m talking about the future or the past? Shit shit shit. I’m just gonna call it ‘Follow Up.’ That should be fine. Yeah definitely. That way they know it’s me. How else will they know it’s me. Oh I guess I’ll sign my name at the end. But other than that? But what if they don’t remember me? What if they don’t know it’s me now following up me from earlier? Will they remember me? I’m tall, they should remember me. What if they interviewed someone taller than me? What if I’m tall and still non-memorable? Shit. Whatever, I know I’m following me up with me. That’s what matters. Ok first line. We’re making good progress. It’s just me, I don’t know why I said we. Do I use the first name or a title. How old am I? Do adults call other adults by titles? Am I an adult? When do I address the attachment? Jeez that’s a lot to unpack. Is this the right one? What if I accidentally send a bad poem about a bad grudge? How do I sound enthusiastic but calm. Shit I spelled something wrong. Shit I used the wrong title. Shit I don’t know which pronoun to use. I don’t want to assume. It’s 2019. I wish I knew for sure. Shit, it’s 2019. Should I say ‘Happy January’ to distract from my awkward intro? No, people look at me crazy when I say that in person. Ok I’ve said what I need to say. Only three sentences. Is that too short? Do I seem like I care enough? Do I seem like I care enough? Does asking twice change the answer? What if they respond with only a couple words? Why am I already worried about that? Am I putting myself below the horse that I’ve put in front of the carriage? Ok I’ve proofread enough. I guess once more won’t hurt. Is that the right way to use a semicolon? Who uses semicolons? Ok I should send it now. What if it gets lost in the internet? Is that possible? What would I do then?

