Flying Machines

Adrien Carver
The Junction
Published in
6 min readNov 23, 2017

I was balls deep in Leia when Annie and Ursula started banging their canes on the front door and yelled to us that the airships were landing and we were going to miss it. They kept thumping their rubber-tipped canes on the door and I knew they wouldn't leave until I answered.

Leia was underneath me and her husband Garrett was in the corner smoking a j and watching us with this glittering intensity he always gets when I’m cucking him.

He’s the one who asked me to do this today. I’ve done it before — we met when they moved in next door two years ago. We were first introduced when I was doing the laundry. We hung out, had a movie night. Things went well.

Leia is really pretty, like Saoirse Ronan if Saoirse Ronan was the type of girl who does cosplays at anime cons and burns patchouli incense and pickets for non-GMO foods and shops at Trader Joe’s.

“Oh, right there, right there,” she says in this hurried tone she gets when she’s about to cum. “So close, so close!”

I thrust away, her hips rocking with mine. Garrett is smoking his doobie. The rooms reeks of cloves. I can hear Annie and Ursula thumping away on the door. They’re yelling but I can’t make anything out except, “You’ll miss it!”

“JUST A SECOND!” I yell out the bedroom door, hoping my voice carries far enough for them to hear it. They won’t come inside and the door is probably locked anyway but I know that I’m going to have to finish Leia off in the next few minutes.

Garrett’s eyes lose their glitter for a moment. I can see the bulge in the front of his pants. I’ve told him sternly many times before that I never ever want to see his dick and if he breaks this rule and jerks it while I’m fucking his wife he’ll have to go find someone else to do it and good luck finding someone in this apartment building who isn’t going to blind you the second they take off their clothes.

“What’s that thumping?” he asks me. “I thought it was the bed for a second.”

“It’s my neighbors,” I tell him. “They want me to come watch the airships land.”

The airships are part of a local festival where a bunch of amateur aviators all fly their contraptions from one side of town to the other. They launch off the hill in the park and ride the wind over to the big field that lies east of our building. The event is sort of like a Pinewood Derby for aviation enthusiasts — they build and fly their air crafts from starting kits. Any modification is legal as long as it’s deemed safe by the council of judges, who of course judge the aircraft before they take off.

Ursula and Annie and I have watched the annual event for the past few years. They like talking to me and I like talking to them — they have actual stories about actual people instead of what they saw on Facebook or what they read on Reddit or what offended them on 4chan. They’re sisters and live across the hall.

“So close,” moaned Leia again, hips rocking away. “So close…”

I speed up my thrusting, and there’s sweat leaking from my armpits and making my back cold.

“Uh, uh, uh, uhhhhh,” said Leia, and she tenses up and I can feel her wave break and her pussy tightens around me.

I’m not even close to cumming — this is practically a service I do for the two of them now since I’m pretty sure Garrett hasn’t been able to get an erection for months unless he’s watching someone else’s erection get inserted into his wife. Leia stays with him because he’s the proud owner of a large inheritance left to him from a grandfather or grand-uncle or something. She keeps him for the money and keeps me around for the dick. I don’t mind. I don’t really get laid much otherwise.

She bucks and writhes on the bed between my arms and she looks pretty damn good with her long, cherry-red hair thrown all over the place and she rears up and bites me on the shoulder so hard that I lose my erection and yell as I pull myself from between her legs.

“Gah,” I say, checking my shoulder. “That was really hard!”

“That’s really nice,” Garrett murmurs. “Really nice… to see…”

He’s touching the bulge in the front of his pants.

The thumping has stopped from down the hall and now I’m jumping out of bed and ripping my pants up over my nakedness and running to the door because I know Annie and Ursula will call security if they think something’s wrong and if I don’t answer the door they always think something’s wrong.

I throw it open and the two of them are goggling at me.

“Oh, Rollo,” they say, two well-formed octogenarian ladies in sun hats, leaning on tripod metal canes tipped with rubber stoppers. They’re stooped with age but their hands don’t shake when they hold things and their eyes are still bright. “Did we interrupt you?”

I see that Annie has her cell phone out. I just barely dodged the bullet. The last thing I need is that snoopy bitch Martinez coming down here and smelling Garrett’s weed in my apartment. I make a note to tell him he needs to exhale out the goddamn window if he’s going to toke in my place.

“No, not at all,” I say. I can hear Garrett and Leia arguing already in my bedroom. “No, just have some friends over.’

“Well, they can watch the landings with us,” said Annie. “You’re going to miss it if you don’t come now. They’re already descending past the clock towers.”

“I’ll be right out,” I tell them.

I shut the door and go back to my bedroom to throw on the rest of my clothes.

Two minutes later and Garrett and Leia and I are out on the cement patio with Annie and Ursula, watching the shadows of the approaching aviation enthusiasts grow larger on the lawn.

Garrett and Leia are making out heavily like they always do after they’ve been cucked. The first time I did it with them, I asked how something like this could possibly bring the two of them together. I was worried I’d be breaking up their marriage.

“It just does,” Garrett had said. “Losing her makes me want her all the more.”

“And I really like your dick,” said Leia.

We sit in the sunshine on the porch and watch the first of the airships drift to a gentle landing in the lawn.

They’re all sorts of shapes and sizes — white, yellow, red, black. Some are held aloft with balloons of all shapes and some are moved by propellers. Some look steampunk and others look retro-futuristic. Some look like blimps and some like small planes. Some look like giant insects and some look like tiny drone helicopters. Some look like bicycles with wings.

They all land one by one and skid to a stop at the far edge of the field. The wind is pleasant but not disruptive to the flyers — they would’ve canceled the event if it was. Thanks to all their mandatory GPS tracking and stabilization systems — the only mandated pieces of equipment on every last one of the aircrafts — there are no collisions and everyone coasts to a smooth landing one right after the other. It looks like some strange cartoon gathering of colorful aircraft.

We all applaud with everyone else as the pilots step out of their inventions and wave triumphantly.

Leia and Garrett are cuddling under a blanket next to me and I’ve left the top two buttons of my shirt undone and the sweat on my chest feels great in the sun and the breeze. Ursula and Annie are gossiping about city council and people are hanging out of their apartment windows waving at the amateur pilots as they step out of their contraptions and I smile cause it’s a good day.

