Fox the Corgi

Inspired by a confused emoji

matt m
The Junction
2 min readMar 12, 2020


Image by bavillo13 from Pixabay

Fox the Corgi was confused.

Ever since he could remember, Fox had been confused.

Am I a Fox? Or am I a Corgi?

Not knowing who he was, he always tried to be someone else. It seemed like everyday he’d change careers. I’ll play guitar he’d think one day and wrap his paws around a blue steel string, belting out red notes as he tried to strum the chords. No I’ll be a chef he’d think and don a purple Chef’s hat while mixing batter in a blue bowl. No, I’ve got it — I’ll be a video-gamer and then off he’d go slapping a blue joystick excitedly while his character kicked and screamed.

Nothing could ease the confusion. “Yes yes yes” he’d think, “I can be a musician, a chef, a video-gamer…but am I a Fox or am I a Corgi?”

One day while walking toward the bookstore to buy a book and try to be a reader, he met a curious dog named Tiny. Now Tiny had the perfect name Fox thought to himself. Her name is Tiny and she is in fact a Tiny Dog. They started walking together and become close friends.

“Do you have any dreams, Tiny?” Fox asked one day.

“Yes”, she said in a soft voice, “I wish to be a big dog.”

“WHAT?!!” Fox gasped in horror, “But you and your name are perfect for each other. If you became a big dog then you’d have to change your name??”

“I would keep my name just the way it is,” Tiny replied.

“But, but,” Fox stuttered, “But it would be confusing. Tiny the Big Dog??”

“I don’t mind being confused,” Tiny said with a smile.

Those words caused a long silence in Fox the Corgi. He never heard anyone say that — it sounded crazy. Was Tiny crazy? He thought to himself. She didn’t look crazy. Hmmm… Suddenly those two questions he’d always asked himself — Am I a Fox? Am I a Corgi? — merged into one answer: I am Fox the Corgi.

Fox realized that all the other people he was always trying to be were really just parts of himself. He could pop on Devil horns with a fiery tail and be evil for a day or switch it up and put on Angel wings with a golden halo and be nice for a while.

They were both part of him and he was one thing: I am Fox the Corgi he kept repeating to himself. I am Fox the Corgi.

As Tiny the Tiny Dog and Fox the Corgi finally parted ways, Fox watched as Tiny trotted away and in an instant he realized, at last, that Tiny was in fact, a very Big Dog.



matt m
The Junction

Intellectual wanderlust from a nomadic book fiend. From the USA. Based elsewhere. Something new every…time I get around to writing something new.