
Stephen M. Tomic
The Junction
Published in
1 min readSep 16, 2018
Author’s photo, Zanzibar 2018

A breeze rolls the two-toned waves
Splashing mists of sea foam upon the shore
We are slaves to cycles,
They inhibit our ability to break free
From self-made prisons where we tell
Ourselves that less is more.

I want few things in this life.
Just you, really, would suffice.
A promised land where together
Is a state of being, free from worry and strife.

The water always chills the skin
Until we commit to go under.
Below the surface is another level,
Warm and free and fluid, a place
Where thoughts merge like yearning bodies in bed
Coming together beyond the physical,
Desires fully fed.

In this ocean I always find you,
Regardless of rain or shine, skies gray or blue.
I dream of being free, not in any abstract sense,
But to run like the water flows,
To every corner where land and sea meet
Together at last, whole and complete.

