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Funerals in Nature

Are humans the only ones who do that?

The Junction
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2019


I’ve never seen a funeral in nature. Or maybe I just didn’t notice. Is it only humans who have funerals?

In nature birth and death are such an ongoing thing that things don’t stop in order to have a funeral. They don’t stop for births, either. Everything just keeps going on.

It is seamless.

Birth and death are so natural and ongoing. They don’t stop for a celebration. Celebrations are ongoing. Nothing stops.

The coin keeps flipping. And it never stops on just one side. Birth and death are two sides of the same coin. And the coin keeps flipping.

Are we the coin? Or are we the one trying to stop the endless flipping of the coin? Is it even possible to stop it? And why would we want to stop the unstoppable?

Are we stuck in the duality of the coin or can we be the coin? Can we stop trying to stop everything and just go with the flow of the coin? Can we see and feel that which is ongoing?

What is beyond the duality of life and death? What is it that never stops? Are we feeling it?

Copyright by White Feather. All Rights Reserved.
Stories by White Feather

Speaking of funerals…

