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Getting Out of the River

Leaving the city

White Feather
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2019


The city sidewalks were crowded as Stephanie walked to her appointment. It was like she was swimming through a river of thoughts. Every one of the people she passed on the sidewalk was thinking, thinking, thinking. She could not hear the words of those thoughts but she could feel the thoughts and they were mostly negative.

Stephanie walked at a leisurely pace while everyone else seemed in a hurry. People walking towards her whizzed by her and people walking in her direction were passing her and quickly disappearing into the crowd up ahead. She was repeatedly being bumped by the shoulders of those furious to get where they were going.

She wished she was out in nature rather than immersed in a human river. Though she tried to remain as calm and peaceful as possible, her body could not help but react to the intense chaotic energy around her.

Being bombarded with the energy of everyone’s thoughts, Stephanie decided to project only words with the opposite energy; Calm. Peaceful. Soothing. Relaxing. Peace. Love. Joy. Happy. Gliding. Flowing. Serenity. Slow. Tranquility… She repeated the words in her mind but it seemed to have little to no effect on anyone but her.

Finally she reached her destination and entered a building. The lobby was full of people. She kept repeating the…

