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Gifts From Herself

A day filled with new things

The Junction
Published in
11 min readDec 29, 2018


She turned around and began walking away from the altercation happening on the sidewalk up ahead. Andrea did not want to hear any arguing or fighting or yelling. She did not want to feel the intense negative vibes — certainly not on this day.

This was supposed to be a happy day. It was her birthday and she was intent on celebration and joy and merriment. Her last birthday had been steeped in negativity and she wanted this birthday to be the exact opposite.

As Andrea walked away she could still hear the people yelling behind her so she quickened her pace. She turned the corner at the end of the block and soon the noise was gone and she could once again bring up positive vibes.

Never before had she experienced a birthday all by herself. There had always been family and friends and boyfriends and parties and dancing and lunch with coworkers and phone calls from across the country. But this year Andrea had decided to spend her birthday celebrating herself by herself. This year it would be all about her with no other people involved.

That concept was new to her.

Walking down the crowded city sidewalk, she glanced upward at the thin swath of blue sky between the tall buildings. She wanted to see more of that sky.

