Good things

“All good things come to those who wait.” — Paullina Simons

Abhinaya S.B.
The Junction
2 min readFeb 17, 2021


Great Blue Heron | Waiting | Credit: Nature-Pix from Pixabay

Good things take time
As they sometimes do,
Days may turn grey,
Your toast may burn, too,
As you get lost in the maze
Of your mind — 
The one that pulls at you
When you slightly unwind
From your makeshift calm,
A constructed wall
To help you forget
That long, painful fall.
Like a determined ant
Pecking at its food,
Your head gnaws at you
Sucking out all good.
You force a smile
To fool the others — 
It takes a while,
But some see your colors.
The day shall arrive
When it wants to;
Just wait by the door
So it can’t walk past you.

Waiting | Free-Photos from Pixabay

